This is the last installment of my blogs on my new Edwardian undergarments set. I have 3 petticoats. I shall write about them in chronological order as I finished them. The first is a white cotton petticoat trimmed with lace, shown below. I made it at least 4 years ago or more. I used the Free Hoop Petticoat Diagram on the Truly Victorian website for cutting directions. I don’t think I followed it exactly to the letter. I just did two tiers total. It was way too long, but I had already attached the lace at the hem, so I couldn’t just cut it. So I instead made rows and rows and rows of tucks at the hem. It only took 5 million hours. It is beautiful, though. This was simple to make, but tedious. This will continue to be a theme as I write about each petticoat. The top edge is pleated and sewn to a ribbon for a waistband. This is meant to be worn under my Belle costume, so I chose a pretty scalloped lace for the hem to match her petticoat. One...