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Showing posts from July, 2021

What are you doing New Year's Eve? Or, 1950's Belle

     One day in late October 2017, I found an audition on Facebook for performers for a NYE event. It was a dinner and show party. The event was described as very elegant, so I was intrigued. Long story short, I emailed for an appointment, auditioned, and got the gig.      The party was Mid-Century themed,  I was delighted to discover. I love that period in fashion, and the songs fit my voice very well. I auditioned and they surprised me when they said that I sounded like young Judy Garland!  What a compliment! Anyway, they asked me to make a list of songs that I could do, so they could make the final song list. Taking their comments under consideration, I did put some Garland songs on the list. I had to add something Disney too, because I'm me. I ended up with "Somewhere Over the Rainbow", "Some Day My Prince Will Come", and "The Trolley Song".           Of course, I HAD to sew my own costume for the evening. I couldn't decide whether to go for a